Ramblekosong: dilemma..guide me please ya Allah...

Salam and greetings to all Alhamdulillah after almost 2 months lepaking kat umah finally i got da job!! syukur sangat-sangat at least hilang jugak rasa bosan yg datang bertalu-talu (ayat nak gempak bagai ..=P) tapi lepas dah masuk keje dlm mase 4 hari nie, dah macam-macam benda dok pikir. boleh ke aku buat semua tue..dengan zero working experience..i have no confident...arghhhhhh hate this...tapi cuba jugak sedap kan hati ...cuba motivate diri untuk pergi keje...I'll give my best to do that job. mungkin juga terlalu awal untuk aku judge samada aku nie mampu galas that responsibility or not...=( just wait and see but anyway I'll give my best and hopefully i did the right decision for my future...