Ramblekosong: awesome!!!! make me smile everyday

' credit to Google salam guys..coming back!!!...it's quite long time i'm not updating my blog hahaha...anyway now back to routine ...i will try my best to update my blog everyday if possible...yeah i belief on me...eceh2...=)...actually i had joined the programmed called My Career My Future (MCMF) almost 2 week i guest hehehe...that programmed is basically focus on how to developed soft skill and prepared all the fresh graduate for the interview..its quite fun and enjoyable programmed. The most important that this programmed taught me a lot on my confidence.We had karaoke session...group activities... role play..games..cheers... and it's not boring at all....trust me...eceh2...at the first i really not interested on this kind of programmed but now cant wait to go to the class...hahahha..like people always said.. " Tak kenal maka tak cinta"...now i fall in love with this programme...=) The best part was my classm...